Ortho-Bionomy®, as it was developed through Osteopathy, addresses the musculo-skeletal system by stimulating the body's own self-recuperative abilities enabling the body to defend and repair itself. Proprioception is a sensory feedback loop giving the body information about what is happening internally.
Often when the body sustains an injury, the physiological feedback mechanism (aka proprioception) is skewed. Proprioceptors are located in the stretch receptors in muscles and in Golgi tendon apparatus in the tendons. Once skewed, the body then begins to move incorrectly, and does not have the necessary information to come back into correct alignment. This is where Ortho-Bionomy (OB) comes into play.
Through specific positions, following the body's lead, we can give the body information about how it 'is holding' and begin to bring it back into correct alignment. The therapist is the instrument for bio-feedback by increasing awareness of postural and other muscular holding patterns. This is done through compression, gentle traction and gentle positional releases. Once the body becomes aware of the pattern, often times on an unconscious level, the body can make a better choice and change the pattern.
Ortho-Bionomy® involves little to no massage, though a massage table is used, and clients remain fully clothed. Physically impactful modalities such as deep tissue treatments are not used. Instead, practitioners use gentle movements to ease joints and muscles into their most comfortable position, slightly manipulating the limbs or head to support the client’s comfort and increase range of motion, depending on the area of the body in focus. The contact and pressure will be only deep enough for the therapist and client to notice a softening of the tissue and to notice changes in the position of the joint when it is released.
Ortho-Bionomy® works in part by exaggerating the compression or constriction of muscles. If the muscles in the left side of the neck are tight, perhaps causing the client to compensate by tilting their head to that side to accommodate those muscles, the therapist may even further tilt the client’s head to the left. Like a taut elastic band given more slack, the neck muscles then have more room to move, and the surrounding muscles can adjust to a greater range of motion in the loosened joint or muscle.
Some results a recipient of an Ortho-Bionomy session can expect to sense, feel and achieve include: